Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Writings from an Artist"

Poetry is an art; it’s an expression of the self
But many take it for granted
Making it into something of less worth
It takes knowledge to understand
And vision to see
But even with both of these qualities
One can overlook the many manifestations
Of real poetry---art
Sexual poetry…
It is not just about sex
I usually don’t like it because many can’t compose it
They can’t describe an art
They simply list the events of pure Sex
Whether it be rough or sweet and slow
The components of the work are nevertheless: poor
Poetry is an art
Therefore it would take an artist to create it
No we are not singers or dancers or painters (though many of us possess these talents)
But yes, we are artists
And we write for expression
You pick up your pen and your thoughts flow
Or if you are like me your thoughts stagnate
But it is okay….not all poetry comes when we want
It is not like a fountain or sink…turn it off and turn it on
But nevertheless the material…like water…must flow
Talent…true talent manifests on its own
Its own time
In its own way
But it is up to you…the creator
To turn your thoughts into something unique
Yes, you do put them on paper when they come
But you just don’t want a compilation of words and sentences
You want a message
Poetry is a message---in the form of art
Writing sends a message
Painting sends a message
Singing and rapping definitely send a message
So, what is your message?
When I read your work do I feel:
What is your message?
What do you want people to perceive you as?
What do you want people to perceive your writings as?
Just words? Just sentences? Just thoughts?
Or do you want them to read
Real life experiences
Intense emotion and expression
Stanzas full of depth and meaning?
But here I will stop
Babbling on and on about nothing
Because in the end it is up to You
You the poet
You the reader
You the artist
To make a change
And make poetry…once again
An Art

Copyright December 2 2009, Moniquea Brown

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Do You Have An Answer?

Tell me why I can’t express my feelings
I try hard to, but they have no meaning
Am I so close-minded that I can’t tell my thoughts?
Now I have a headache from thinking….I see scattered dots

Tell me why I can’t seem to love
I try hard to but my ventures don’t seem enough
Whenever it does come my way I seem to ignore it
Then again, if it was love….wouldn’t I have noticed?

Tell me why I can’t write today
I picked up the pen, but the paper remained blank
So I began to doodle, maybe that would relax me
But in the end all I wrote was…scribble scribble, no legibility

Overall I am confused with myself
My brain goes through pandemonium on a daily basis
Maybe it’s because I myself don’t know what to do
But only a fool would admit to not ever having a clue

Sometimes I wonder if I am even sane
But what is the definition of insanity?
I really don’t feel like looking up the definition
Please leave a comment---over there

Well I guess this poem basically sums up my troubles
I still feel as if I am entrapped in a small bubble
Tossing and turning, round and about
Never seeming to settle…believe it or not

Copyright November 19 2009, Moniquea Brown

Friday, November 13, 2009

"To My Sweet Mom"


You have been there since day one
Unlike no other person
God put it so you were my mom

You are the essence of true beauty
Your class, your sass, your disposition
All creating an individual, unique

You have the most beautiful hair
Tied with Native American blood
Too bad we couldn’t espouse that culture
Oh thought I forgot?

You are so kind and gentle
Your eyes seem to always see what’s right
That gift must be a delight

You are so pure that you seem innocent
Your eyes say nothing but love
And luckily I am blessed to receive it

I am your youngest, the baby
Two others…though there presence
Seems a maybe
You inspire me to be better
I see you as a strong woman
Of whom I want to mimic

You have held my hand for quite some time now
Slowly releasing it so that
I can be an adult now

You have been careful with your words to me
So that there will be no hard feelings
In case one of us leaves

God forbid that that would ever happen
But blessings like this come so rare
I enjoyed the majority of it

I am so proud to say that I was created by you
An individual with such intelligence and suave
I was made in the image of You

Love you Mom!

Copyright November 2009, Moniquea Brown

"There Is No Other...Mom"

I hold you on such a pedestal
Your grace is so pure
You nurtured me from a baby
How could I ask for more?

You were patient with me during my upbringing
Ignoring my temper tantrums
But understanding me deep inside
You knew how long they would last

You always seem a mystery to me
You cut me so much slack
When at times it can seem you are being hard
But in the end---mom knows best

I will love you to the end
Nothing will ever part us
‘Cause being without your guidance in this life
I don’t know if I could trust

I love you because you are not a friend
You can clearly be seen as my mother
Or maybe because or your wisdom
Possible my grandmother

I am so happy I got the two for the price of one
Since I wasn’t fortunate enough to meet the latter
But as always God knew
So he combined the spirits to create the former

I almost cry when the thought of how good you are comes to mind
I couldn’t see anyone else taking the place of Mom

Love you Mom!

Copyright November 2009, Moniquea Brown

"I Have An Agenda That Does Not Exist"

I have an agenda
To write
But my pen
Refuses to move

I have an agenda
To sing
But my vocal cords
Refuse to move

I have an agenda
To cry
But my eyes
Refuse to water

I have an agenda
To preach
But the choir
Refuses to listen

I have an agenda
To teach
But my class
Refuses to attend

have an agenda
To better myself
But society
Refuses to allow me

I have an agenda
To change
But the world
Refuses to forgive

I have an agenda
To be proactive
But I
Refuse to…..

Copyright November 2009, Moniquea Brown

*This poem is basically about people who always point the fingers at others and claim that “this” and “that” won’t allow them to succeed. But, in reality, the problem resides within their motivation…which there is lack of.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Higher Power

Take me higher
to your kingdom
Your love is all I need
Release the pain and misery that I feel
Who would have thought that you were by me all along
Holding my hand and protecting me in thie world

Cleanse my body
Cleanse my soul
Relax my mind
Make me yours
You are divine
You are pure
Transcend my spirit
To accompany yours

Can I hear you, no
Can I see you, no
But I can feel you
And I can breathe you
You are my purpose
Of which I've always known
He took away my eyes
But, Lord you gave me yours

Cleanse my body
Cleanse my soul
Relax my mind
Make me yours
You are divine
You are pure
Transcend my spirit
To accompany yours

Without knowledge or will
He took my life
Raping me of my innocence
of which I subconsciously reflected your light
But with wings
I am now able to soar
Alpha, Omega
Take me home

Cleanse my body
Cleanse my soul
Relax my mind
Make me yours
You are divine
You are pure
Transcend my spirit
To accompany yours

Copyright November 11 2009, Moniquea Brown

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Innocent Friendship"

When the days are dark
And the nights are cold
Feeling your intangible presence
Keeps me going

Staring at the mirror
My broken soul
Reunites its pieces
Becoming a whole

Even when you are not near
You support me thoroughly
I feel you care
Our friendship is lovely

We could never be
Since our lives are so different
But I am happy
Knowing we are not committed

Our love is ironic
If that is the word
Trying to describe us
We have no need for

But me--you and I
We see through the glass
Of which no one else notices
They don’t see the other half

I love you for you
You love me for me
But honestly, I ask my self
Then why can’t we be

You must understand to love
You must learn to trust
One without the other
Disaster will be a must

But we don’t have that problem
Our friendship is so easy
Or maybe I only see it…

With or without you
I will make life a joy
But knowing that I have you
I can avoid unnecessary turmoil

I know you don’t want to trust
But I want to love
I know I don’t want to care
But still you remain here

I am so happy that I found you
You brighten my day
Even if it’s not cloudy or rainy
I want you to stay.

"Why Can't We Be?"

You inspire me
I motivate you
Then ask yourself
Why can’t we be?

When the winters are cold
And the summers are hot
Together we give each other comfort
Eliminating all odds

When your dreams are crushed
And you need to be consoled
Here I will come
With open arms

Today it may pour
Tomorrow it may flood
But here I have built a ship
Together we will float atop the rush

The darkness will come
And the light will cease
But having me by your side
You have no need to grieve

Even if we cannot eat
And we have no place to live
I will provide you with a home
Even if in reality it does not exist

If you must go to war
And I am left a widow
Not a soul will know
That I suffer

If sickness manifest
And your body is no longer strong
Not a pleasure will I need
That isn’t your own

But I sit here and I wonder
If this message you will receive
Being that for many days
I have kept quiet what I feel

If you can hear me
Then talk to me
If you can feel me
Then touch me

If you know me
Then, greet me
If you love me
Then, alas why can’t we be?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

About the Author

Hello! My name is Moniquea Brown and I began writing when I was really young. Well, not too young maybe around 10 years of age. Of course, it started off with me just going into school writing contest, but then I realized that this was something that I actually enjoyed doing and I wanted to continue. My works are very diverse when it comes to topics so hopefully I can keep everyone interested, or it could backfire on me and I won’t retain my initial audience. But, just let me know, I have no problems with doing an encore. I was sexually assaulted when I was 11 and my dad left me and my mom when I was 10. So you may want to take that into consideration when reading my works. But, back to what I was saying...
I am very charismatic and fun. I always look at the bigger picture (that's why I was never good at details in school, but it always paid off when I took the finals). I am very adventurous and I love trying new things, not anything too extreme, but I made a bet with myself that I would do something extreme before I turned 25. To be a writer, I don't write very often…hardly ever. And maybe because of my Aquarius nature, sometimes when I do write I never seem to finish the work (at least not in the same day)! I have so many unfinished works that I should write a book of unfinished works! Hmm…I think I will do that! Or not, the book probably won’t sell.
I also write a few sad stories on topics such as: prostitution, drug use, rape, and homicide. But to sum this all up; I love positive and negative feedback. So, don’t be afraid to send me an e-mail! My e-mail address is I hope you enjoy my works!

"I Accept but I Reject"

Touch my body

Hear my pain

Kissing my lips

Drives me insane

Feeling the thunders

Of my heartbeats inside

Increasing his rhythm

Ignoring my cries

Black and white

Red and blue

Make me move

Closer to you

Rub my back

Kiss my neck

Remove the fear

When You draw me near

Love is like poetry

It can never properly be explained

Ambiguity is a given, there's no wrong answer here

But pain....pain can be defined

And Ohhhh sooo many words

All amounting to one meaning:

It will always burn

Black and white

Red and blue

Make me move

Closer to you

Rub my back

Kiss my neck

Remove the fear

When you draw me near

All I have to give you

Is what I don't have

Everything that you want

I seem to lack

I wish I was good enough for you

To where you could call me your own

But the removal of my innocence

Has left me torn

Black and white

Red and blue

Make me move

Closer to you

Rub my back

Kiss my neck

Remove the fear

When you draw me near

Copyright 2009, Moniquea Brown

"A Moment In Time"

“A Moment in Time” by Moniquea Brown

I watch you as you enter the room
Your presence is almost mystical
I greet your luminous eyes with a feeling of nostalgia
Silently remembering the days when we once were

We both have grown to be successful individuals
Although sometimes I feel that I have failed
Looking at you with your many perfections and then
Looking at myself with my many imperfections
This couldn’t have been a perfect match

You wink at me as you sit down behind the desk
Sometimes I wonder if you could read my thoughts
But if you could, would you mistake them for pleasure?
Because without you my life has long been a distress

I walk out the door to try and avoid looking into your face again
Seeing you so happy and me feeling the opposite
Sometimes I wonder if my heart can be unattached
But then again I don’t think the feelings will be relaxed

I can feel a presence walking up behind me so I turn to face whatever it was
Now I am standing in the eyes of the beholder
I stand there and hope, wondering if maybe you could hear my thoughts
But all I get is “You left your purse!”, oh love what have you done.

Copyright 2009, Moniquea Brown