Saturday, October 10, 2009

About the Author

Hello! My name is Moniquea Brown and I began writing when I was really young. Well, not too young maybe around 10 years of age. Of course, it started off with me just going into school writing contest, but then I realized that this was something that I actually enjoyed doing and I wanted to continue. My works are very diverse when it comes to topics so hopefully I can keep everyone interested, or it could backfire on me and I won’t retain my initial audience. But, just let me know, I have no problems with doing an encore. I was sexually assaulted when I was 11 and my dad left me and my mom when I was 10. So you may want to take that into consideration when reading my works. But, back to what I was saying...
I am very charismatic and fun. I always look at the bigger picture (that's why I was never good at details in school, but it always paid off when I took the finals). I am very adventurous and I love trying new things, not anything too extreme, but I made a bet with myself that I would do something extreme before I turned 25. To be a writer, I don't write very often…hardly ever. And maybe because of my Aquarius nature, sometimes when I do write I never seem to finish the work (at least not in the same day)! I have so many unfinished works that I should write a book of unfinished works! Hmm…I think I will do that! Or not, the book probably won’t sell.
I also write a few sad stories on topics such as: prostitution, drug use, rape, and homicide. But to sum this all up; I love positive and negative feedback. So, don’t be afraid to send me an e-mail! My e-mail address is I hope you enjoy my works!

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