Saturday, October 10, 2009

"A Moment In Time"

“A Moment in Time” by Moniquea Brown

I watch you as you enter the room
Your presence is almost mystical
I greet your luminous eyes with a feeling of nostalgia
Silently remembering the days when we once were

We both have grown to be successful individuals
Although sometimes I feel that I have failed
Looking at you with your many perfections and then
Looking at myself with my many imperfections
This couldn’t have been a perfect match

You wink at me as you sit down behind the desk
Sometimes I wonder if you could read my thoughts
But if you could, would you mistake them for pleasure?
Because without you my life has long been a distress

I walk out the door to try and avoid looking into your face again
Seeing you so happy and me feeling the opposite
Sometimes I wonder if my heart can be unattached
But then again I don’t think the feelings will be relaxed

I can feel a presence walking up behind me so I turn to face whatever it was
Now I am standing in the eyes of the beholder
I stand there and hope, wondering if maybe you could hear my thoughts
But all I get is “You left your purse!”, oh love what have you done.

Copyright 2009, Moniquea Brown

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