Thursday, November 19, 2009

Do You Have An Answer?

Tell me why I can’t express my feelings
I try hard to, but they have no meaning
Am I so close-minded that I can’t tell my thoughts?
Now I have a headache from thinking….I see scattered dots

Tell me why I can’t seem to love
I try hard to but my ventures don’t seem enough
Whenever it does come my way I seem to ignore it
Then again, if it was love….wouldn’t I have noticed?

Tell me why I can’t write today
I picked up the pen, but the paper remained blank
So I began to doodle, maybe that would relax me
But in the end all I wrote was…scribble scribble, no legibility

Overall I am confused with myself
My brain goes through pandemonium on a daily basis
Maybe it’s because I myself don’t know what to do
But only a fool would admit to not ever having a clue

Sometimes I wonder if I am even sane
But what is the definition of insanity?
I really don’t feel like looking up the definition
Please leave a comment---over there

Well I guess this poem basically sums up my troubles
I still feel as if I am entrapped in a small bubble
Tossing and turning, round and about
Never seeming to settle…believe it or not

Copyright November 19 2009, Moniquea Brown

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