Friday, November 13, 2009

"I Have An Agenda That Does Not Exist"

I have an agenda
To write
But my pen
Refuses to move

I have an agenda
To sing
But my vocal cords
Refuse to move

I have an agenda
To cry
But my eyes
Refuse to water

I have an agenda
To preach
But the choir
Refuses to listen

I have an agenda
To teach
But my class
Refuses to attend

have an agenda
To better myself
But society
Refuses to allow me

I have an agenda
To change
But the world
Refuses to forgive

I have an agenda
To be proactive
But I
Refuse to…..

Copyright November 2009, Moniquea Brown

*This poem is basically about people who always point the fingers at others and claim that “this” and “that” won’t allow them to succeed. But, in reality, the problem resides within their motivation…which there is lack of.

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