Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Broken Seal (Sequel of "I Accept but I Reject")

Broken Seal

The purpose of a seal is to protect the contents of something
Its purpose is to prevent contaminants from engaging in contact with the substance
But what if the seal is broken?
The result would be that the substance is left vulnerable
Yes, vulnerability can be dangerous
It’s serious because once the contaminant has done its job
The victim is helpless
Helplessness and fear are terrible emotions to experience
Because you wonder if that contaminant is going to return
And once again “hurt” you
Or maybe this time it won’t be just one contaminant
But, several contaminants that come to “devour” you
So, what should you do to protect that seal?
Making it as strong as possible could work---
If and only if that contaminant doesn’t have something bigger
And better to destroy it…and once again
Come for you---its previous victim
The process can be repeated over and over again
And those emotions can reignite countless times again
But the pain of the event never goes away
The feelings of anxiety
And not knowing when or how it will happen, you will never forget
You feel as if you cannot protect yourself
So you are left unprepared
You hope that somehow the seal can be repaired
And you hope that the pain will disappear
But it never happens and you are left in despair
With no one to turn to
And no one to understand you
Except for your assailant who could care less about you
Now who must you run to?

There is no one to run to
This world is very cold
And the tribulations of life can leave you torn
Ripped to pieces and shreds
Over something that you could never have prevented

Copyright 08 June 2010, Moniquea Brown

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