Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Witnesses

The sounds of the clock ticking back and forth
I hear the crickets chirping outside my window
With my head tilted back against the pillow on my bed
I begin to fade…
An aroma, somewhat sweet
Enters the room
From the lobby
I try to face my intruder
But, before I do…I begin to fade
I hear water dripping from the faucet
And the air in here is quite hostile
My body grows weak and nauseous
I collapse on the ground…and begin to fade
Out in the grass I can see flowers
Roses and tulips but the smell is sour
I feel a presence approach me from behind
I glance back to see a spirit behind the vines
It grabs my hand and takes me along for a ride
But, I can’t see my destination
I do not believe I have circulation
I gasp for air to breathe
But all I can feel is---
My body---dying in front of me
I have already departed my flesh---spiritually
I have died…instantly
And there were no witnesses to this tragedy

Copyright 09 June 2010, Moniquea Brown

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Broken Seal (Sequel of "I Accept but I Reject")

Broken Seal

The purpose of a seal is to protect the contents of something
Its purpose is to prevent contaminants from engaging in contact with the substance
But what if the seal is broken?
The result would be that the substance is left vulnerable
Yes, vulnerability can be dangerous
It’s serious because once the contaminant has done its job
The victim is helpless
Helplessness and fear are terrible emotions to experience
Because you wonder if that contaminant is going to return
And once again “hurt” you
Or maybe this time it won’t be just one contaminant
But, several contaminants that come to “devour” you
So, what should you do to protect that seal?
Making it as strong as possible could work---
If and only if that contaminant doesn’t have something bigger
And better to destroy it…and once again
Come for you---its previous victim
The process can be repeated over and over again
And those emotions can reignite countless times again
But the pain of the event never goes away
The feelings of anxiety
And not knowing when or how it will happen, you will never forget
You feel as if you cannot protect yourself
So you are left unprepared
You hope that somehow the seal can be repaired
And you hope that the pain will disappear
But it never happens and you are left in despair
With no one to turn to
And no one to understand you
Except for your assailant who could care less about you
Now who must you run to?

There is no one to run to
This world is very cold
And the tribulations of life can leave you torn
Ripped to pieces and shreds
Over something that you could never have prevented

Copyright 08 June 2010, Moniquea Brown



Represents a new beginning
Represents a new life
Represents a new cycle
Represents a new time

The rays of the sun stretch out across the planet
The plants and trees slowly awake from their dreams
The animals, if not nocturnal, start rustling among the leaves
And here I am in my bed, enjoying the scene
But once again I awake alone
With no one beside me
No one to call my own
And share this home
I sit here and wonder if maybe this is all a dream
That you really are here with me---although invisibly
But, somehow that theory is impossible
Since our love ended quite some time ago
Why can’t I wake up from you and start over again?
Why can’t I, like dawn, create a new beginning?
Somehow my heart has given up on love
And somehow my mind won’t allow me interest in anyone
Other than you, your love
Was poisonous
Your passion
Was dangerous
Although your commitment to me seemed continuous
Where did I go wrong?
Where did we fall?
Because, I am unable to get over you
I am unable to see you
With someone else
And to me you are bullet-proof
And I am see-through
So, I guess unlike dawn we are not renewable
Our love unscrupulous
We faded—the two of us
Unable to cope with the newness

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Day and night both come and go fleetingly
The tide of the ocean may appear doubly
During the year gray clouds can bring about showers
And the water from the downpour may linger for hours

However, the transience of these events means nothing to me
Since, being with you could last for an eternity
Hopefulness or maybe desperation keeps me clinging to you
But, only if you would confirm to me that this love we share is true

I strongly wish that our love would evolve
But, all that I am getting from you is unanswered phone calls
Text messages, e-mails, and sometimes even voice mails
So, what is it exactly that you are trying to communicate?

Transience is only meant for things that have a compliment
As for the day its compliment is night
And darkness has its brother light
But, what compliment is there for me without you in my life?

I thought being with you had completed me
But, now you have revealed to me your lack of curiosity
Curiosity for what I once thought was a love for me
Physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually

So, now that you are gone I am left with insecurities and loneliness
In search of something that never really existed
Something that I once thought could have been permanent
But, your presence in this relationship ended up being transient

Copyright June 06 2010, Moniquea Brown