Monday, March 15, 2010

Forgotten Memories

Glistening in the water is an image of your face
I stand here looking at the river in distress
The trees are swaying from left to right under the sun
The sound of rushing water is murmured to a low hum

I walk up the lining of the river towards a waterfall
I am taking aback by its mystique
Beauty seems only in the eyes of the beholder
But a waterfall has no eyes to see

Nostalgia starts kicking in because I can hear your voice
I whisper quietly to the trees
The wind comes and enfolds my body
Being here seems nothing more than a dream

A dream that I could never make reality
A dream that I wish to never wake up from
But the thought of you seems reoccurring
Your death keeps me in mourning

Mourning because I will never find another like you
Mourning because you will never experience the taste of pleasure again
I will never feel you lips against mine
I will never feel your touch, which is somewhat divine

Memories of you make me feel so secure
But you are not in love with me anymore
You have moved on to someone else
And all I am left with are forgotten memories of the past

Copyright March 14 2010, Moniquea Brown

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