Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Trampled Path

Examining your footprints
Outlined in the dirt
I begin to stand up
With my head still faced downward
Looking at the earth

I begin to walk down the path
Of which many footprints I begin to notice
But somehow, out of all of them
I recognize your shoe image

But while I look at these footprints
Outlined in the dirt
I am reminded of another path
One that caused me much hurt

Though this path was not physical
It was emotional
And though you may not be able to see it
Somehow it’s visible

Possibly visible because only I could see it
Or maybe because I was the only one who could feel it
Because like those footprints
This path was also trampled over
The path that I am speaking about is my heart
Me being so naïve, I allowed many to embark on the journey
So if you were to look inside my soul
You would see that it too has been traveled frequently

Many and many times before
Over and over my heart was broke
But then you came along
Your footprint so unique and conspicuous
Who wouldn’t have noticed?

And just as visible as your footprint was in the dirt
It was in my heart
And it was in my soul
Because the day when you approached me
I knew that I could close the door

I could close the door to the path
Of which so many had traveled
But what’s so special about you
Was not only your unique footprint

What was so special about you
Was not even that my soul recognized you in an instant
But what was so special about you
Was that out of all the men who trampled over my heart
You knew that I was innocent

I was innocent because I so desperately wanted to be loved
I so desperately wanted to find someone
Who I could trust
But love comes on its on time
And looking back into my heart I see that you’ve been missed

You came and went like night and day
I had no time to rationalize or so I went astray
Now, I am left alone
And you are gone

So unlike the footprints in the dirt
That can be removed with a swaying of the foot
My heart remains trampled
And your footprint remains embossed on it

Copyright March 16 2010, Moniquea Brown

Monday, March 15, 2010

Forgotten Memories

Glistening in the water is an image of your face
I stand here looking at the river in distress
The trees are swaying from left to right under the sun
The sound of rushing water is murmured to a low hum

I walk up the lining of the river towards a waterfall
I am taking aback by its mystique
Beauty seems only in the eyes of the beholder
But a waterfall has no eyes to see

Nostalgia starts kicking in because I can hear your voice
I whisper quietly to the trees
The wind comes and enfolds my body
Being here seems nothing more than a dream

A dream that I could never make reality
A dream that I wish to never wake up from
But the thought of you seems reoccurring
Your death keeps me in mourning

Mourning because I will never find another like you
Mourning because you will never experience the taste of pleasure again
I will never feel you lips against mine
I will never feel your touch, which is somewhat divine

Memories of you make me feel so secure
But you are not in love with me anymore
You have moved on to someone else
And all I am left with are forgotten memories of the past

Copyright March 14 2010, Moniquea Brown

Distance Doesn't Have To Hurt (Dedicated to Will)

Your eyes are the color of island fresh water
Your body tone is that of mocha chocolate
Your energy is similar to that the sun
And your persona can’t be compared to anyone

I love talking to you since your spirit is so light
Although I cannot be near you
Your presence somehow is still in sight

Sometimes I do forget certain aspects of your being
But that doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate you…seriously

You’re so full of love and so ready to give
Although many cannot recognize such a wonderful gift
Though in its rarity it brought me much joy
But no I have never mistaken your kindness for a toy

I hope that in the future we will finally meet face to face
Yet, I have told you I have no plans in committing
But to be your friend seems truly a gift from heaven
So hopefully you won’t mistake our friendship as ephemeral

Copyright March 14 2010, Moniquea Brown