Thursday, November 19, 2009

Do You Have An Answer?

Tell me why I can’t express my feelings
I try hard to, but they have no meaning
Am I so close-minded that I can’t tell my thoughts?
Now I have a headache from thinking….I see scattered dots

Tell me why I can’t seem to love
I try hard to but my ventures don’t seem enough
Whenever it does come my way I seem to ignore it
Then again, if it was love….wouldn’t I have noticed?

Tell me why I can’t write today
I picked up the pen, but the paper remained blank
So I began to doodle, maybe that would relax me
But in the end all I wrote was…scribble scribble, no legibility

Overall I am confused with myself
My brain goes through pandemonium on a daily basis
Maybe it’s because I myself don’t know what to do
But only a fool would admit to not ever having a clue

Sometimes I wonder if I am even sane
But what is the definition of insanity?
I really don’t feel like looking up the definition
Please leave a comment---over there

Well I guess this poem basically sums up my troubles
I still feel as if I am entrapped in a small bubble
Tossing and turning, round and about
Never seeming to settle…believe it or not

Copyright November 19 2009, Moniquea Brown

Friday, November 13, 2009

"To My Sweet Mom"


You have been there since day one
Unlike no other person
God put it so you were my mom

You are the essence of true beauty
Your class, your sass, your disposition
All creating an individual, unique

You have the most beautiful hair
Tied with Native American blood
Too bad we couldn’t espouse that culture
Oh thought I forgot?

You are so kind and gentle
Your eyes seem to always see what’s right
That gift must be a delight

You are so pure that you seem innocent
Your eyes say nothing but love
And luckily I am blessed to receive it

I am your youngest, the baby
Two others…though there presence
Seems a maybe
You inspire me to be better
I see you as a strong woman
Of whom I want to mimic

You have held my hand for quite some time now
Slowly releasing it so that
I can be an adult now

You have been careful with your words to me
So that there will be no hard feelings
In case one of us leaves

God forbid that that would ever happen
But blessings like this come so rare
I enjoyed the majority of it

I am so proud to say that I was created by you
An individual with such intelligence and suave
I was made in the image of You

Love you Mom!

Copyright November 2009, Moniquea Brown

"There Is No Other...Mom"

I hold you on such a pedestal
Your grace is so pure
You nurtured me from a baby
How could I ask for more?

You were patient with me during my upbringing
Ignoring my temper tantrums
But understanding me deep inside
You knew how long they would last

You always seem a mystery to me
You cut me so much slack
When at times it can seem you are being hard
But in the end---mom knows best

I will love you to the end
Nothing will ever part us
‘Cause being without your guidance in this life
I don’t know if I could trust

I love you because you are not a friend
You can clearly be seen as my mother
Or maybe because or your wisdom
Possible my grandmother

I am so happy I got the two for the price of one
Since I wasn’t fortunate enough to meet the latter
But as always God knew
So he combined the spirits to create the former

I almost cry when the thought of how good you are comes to mind
I couldn’t see anyone else taking the place of Mom

Love you Mom!

Copyright November 2009, Moniquea Brown

"I Have An Agenda That Does Not Exist"

I have an agenda
To write
But my pen
Refuses to move

I have an agenda
To sing
But my vocal cords
Refuse to move

I have an agenda
To cry
But my eyes
Refuse to water

I have an agenda
To preach
But the choir
Refuses to listen

I have an agenda
To teach
But my class
Refuses to attend

have an agenda
To better myself
But society
Refuses to allow me

I have an agenda
To change
But the world
Refuses to forgive

I have an agenda
To be proactive
But I
Refuse to…..

Copyright November 2009, Moniquea Brown

*This poem is basically about people who always point the fingers at others and claim that “this” and “that” won’t allow them to succeed. But, in reality, the problem resides within their motivation…which there is lack of.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Higher Power

Take me higher
to your kingdom
Your love is all I need
Release the pain and misery that I feel
Who would have thought that you were by me all along
Holding my hand and protecting me in thie world

Cleanse my body
Cleanse my soul
Relax my mind
Make me yours
You are divine
You are pure
Transcend my spirit
To accompany yours

Can I hear you, no
Can I see you, no
But I can feel you
And I can breathe you
You are my purpose
Of which I've always known
He took away my eyes
But, Lord you gave me yours

Cleanse my body
Cleanse my soul
Relax my mind
Make me yours
You are divine
You are pure
Transcend my spirit
To accompany yours

Without knowledge or will
He took my life
Raping me of my innocence
of which I subconsciously reflected your light
But with wings
I am now able to soar
Alpha, Omega
Take me home

Cleanse my body
Cleanse my soul
Relax my mind
Make me yours
You are divine
You are pure
Transcend my spirit
To accompany yours

Copyright November 11 2009, Moniquea Brown